Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
ht-PRIN tablets |
5 |
25 |
1, 7, 9, 40 |
ZOREM-ht |
5 |
hta FULCRUM +circle triangl |
16 |
hindustan THOMPSON hta +ova |
16 |
hti |
12 |
www.htmatrimonials.com |
16 |
ASPEE-htp |
7 |
AITH all india tourism hub |
39 |
AVON cycle front hub |
12 |
BHA the cotton hub +plants |
25 |
BLACK ACTRIZ beauty hub |
25, 44 |
BODYTALK the fitness hub |
41 |
C7C needle hub |
10 |
GEH GLOBAL electronic's hub |
9 |
GREETWEL the mobile hub +ar |
35 |
GTM (hub of institute's) |
41 |
37 |
MEDIA hub +film circle arro |
9 |
MWH my wish hub |
3, 5 |
ONE fitness hub & spa |
41 |
RS the english hub |
41 |
hub |
14 |
SAPKAL knowledge hub +bird |
41 |
SCM hub +circles |
39, 41 |
THE logistics hub +hut ship |
39 |
TLPH the local print hub |
16 |
VEC-hub |
35, 37, 38, 42 |
beauty hub +arc |
3 |
gold SOUK the jewelry hub |
14 |
health hub NUCLEUS +man |
35 |
nagina the jewel hub |
14 |
ASCO hubs & drums |
12 |
KEW hubs & brake drums |
12 |
LIVON silky hues hair fluid |
3 |
CRAZY DOLLAR body hugging |
25 |
BALDESSANINI hugo boss |
3 |
AUJOURD' hui |
25 |
ABUFAZAL +leaves & hukka |
34 |
3 |
CHABI hukka gudakhu +key |
34 |
34 |
HUKKA BRAND +hukka |
24 |
HUKKA brand +hukka & ovals |
13 |
SHEESHA brand +hukka |
34 |
SOEX HERBAL hukka +hukka |
34 |
SOEX HERBAL hukka +hukka |
34 |
SOEX herbal hukka +hukka |
34 |
SOEX herbal hukka +hukka |
34 |
TAU JI chhap +man & hukka |
34 |
THREE HUKKA +hukka & circle |
34 |
REDMARK rice hullers |
7 |
VISTA rice hulling rollers |
17 |
hum DONO |
9 |
human INSULINK |
5 |
5 |
human INSUNORM |
5 |
human KINETICS |
5 |
human care WITH HUMANITY |
42 |
human caricature |
9, 29 |
human caricatures |
6, 9, 35 |
human figures & hearts |
9, 16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 31, 38, 45 |
human figures & square |
41 |
human gps |
42 |
human values +cartoon |
32, 33 |
human values +cartoon squar |
1 |
human values +man & oval |
16 |
human-INTERACT |
5 |
AAB CAREERS human resource |
35 |
BONANZA human resource +arc |
35 |
CAPRICORN human capital |
35 |
CHOLITHOM +human body |
5 |
HEADWAY the human resource |
16 |
HELP HUMAN +human caricatur |
24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 |
HLS INDIA human learning |
16 |
HPL human platelets lysate |
44 |
JUSTDIAL human touch |
9, 16, 35 |
MH MORPHEUS human consultin |
35 |
ORANGE I human resource +su |
35 |
PAYLITE human resource |
9 |
PROS & PAWNS human resource |
35 |
R +human face |
30 |
SOC national human rights |
41 |
TANGRAM tracking human mind |
35 |
TGC CONSULTING human capita |
35 |
Z LEARN improving human cap |
28 |
enriching human capital |
41 |
managing human side CHANGE |
35 |
robotic & human hand |
44 |
EUCARE serve the humane |
5 |
MUPCO service to humanity |
5 |
PFH PLAYING FOR humanity |
41 |
humara 9X |
9, 16, 25, 35, 38, 41, 42 |
KALPATARU humate bio granua |
1 |
HUMER PLUS humic acid +cros |
1 |
v lion WELRICH humic acid |
1 |
FALAFELS veg hummus house |
3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 |
FALAFELS veh hummus house |
20 |
hunar |
24 |